Create App Banners and Events

Create App Banners and Events

1. Navigate to

2. Click "App Banners"

3. Click Add Promotion

4. If you have more than 1 location, please select the store you would like to apply this banner or event to:

5. Click "SELECT ALL" if you'd like it to go to all stores

6. Click the location you would like this event to be applied to

7. Select the type of banner you would like to create:

  1. Event - this will be posted on your app as well as on the event CALENDAR on your website. This is good for tastings or sponsored events.
  2. Product - This is for App banner that link to a product list
  3. Recipe - this will link to a current recipe on your app
  4. Brand - this banner ad will link to a specific Brand in your inventory such as "Titos", Jameson, or Truly.

8. Create an Event by clicking the "Event" Promotion Type

9. Click "NEXT" once selected

10. Title the Event By clicking the field and entering a title

11. Type your desired title in the field

12. Add an image by clicking "Click Here to Upload/Change Image"

13. IF you would like to use a stock image on file Click "Choose from Library"

14. Select a stock image

15. IF the event is free Check the event is free box

IF the event is at the physical store check the box marked "event address same as store"

IF not add the address below

16. Type in an event description and Click "NEXT"

17. Select event start dates and times for the actual dates and times for the events

Select Display Start dates/times and End dates/Times for the duration of that you want this event to be displayed on your website.

18. If you would like to send a push notification with the Event or Banner, check the Send Notification box.


Add a title and message

Check the correct box to send now or send later

19. Click "PUBLISH" When you are ready to publish the event or app banner.

20. Click URL, ProductBrand or Recipe to add a Product Banner

21. Click Product

22. Click "NEXT"

23. Click the "Product Name/Title" field.

24. Type Desired Banner name

25. Upload your own image or select one from our library

26. Select a product category

27. Click the "Start typing product name to search" field and type in the desired product you would like to display.

28. Click "Search"

29. Click the plus buttons to add the desired products to the banner ad.

30. Click here.

32. Click here.

33. Click "NEXT"

34. Select dates and tiems yu want the promotion to run for

35. Click "PUBLISH"

36. Click "Promotion saved successfully"

37. To add or edit an app banner/promotion click the edit button

38. When you click edit it will take you to the edit screen

39. Click here to delete an event or promotion.

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