1. Visit GoDaddy.com and search for the domain you'd like to purchase.
2. Once you enter your desired domain, click "Search Domains".
3. Once you find the domain you like, "Make It Yours".
4. Click "Get It" if you want to add an email to your package. Otherwise, click "No Thanks".
5. Click here
6. "Looks Good, Keep Going" will take you to the cart.
7. You don't need the domain protection, but it doesn't hurt to add it. Once you decide, click "Continue to Cart".
8. You're almost done!
9. Here you'll decide how long you want to purchase the domain for. It is recommended that you purchase for as long as possible to ensure you don't lose access to your domain.
10. "I'm Ready to Pay" takes you to the payment screen (or to the "create an account" screen. After you complete this step, you'll be able to give access of your domain to your website provider.
11. Complete your purchase after you've entered your payment details and created your account.